Thursday, 19 February 2009
Friday, 13 February 2009
Twestival and the 2.0 Crowd
Upon hearing the words social media and party, most people would be forgiven for picturing a pack of feral youths causing thousands of pounds worth of damage before being chased off by an army of policemen. However last night Twestival broke that mould, not only did it not require a police presence at the end of the night but it also raised a substantial sum for a worthy charity.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
All of a Twitter – Measuring Online Reputations
Despite coverage appearing in media outlets, ranging from The Daily Mail to CNN, the 23rd January will be regarded by many as the day that Twitter became mainstream. This was the day that Britain’s two most famous Twitterers, Stephen Fry and Jonathon Ross, set the micro-blogging service alight as they discussed their love of the online tool on Ross’s comeback programme. Combined with Stephen being subsequently trapped in an elevator, the media landscape is now abuzz with news about Twitter and its abundance of followers.

Friday, 23 January 2009
Barry and his Blackberry
His unofficial endorsement of Blackberry is claimed to be worth between $25 and $50 million. This kind of celebrity endorsement is virtually priceless because it cannot be replicated. Whether we’ll see other endorsements now he’s taken the oath of office (twice) is probably unlikely especially given his strong line on restricting commercial lobbying…
Friday, 9 January 2009
Facebook 'gifting' and virtual goods
As more users join social networking sites, interactions among users within social networking sites have become more bizarre. For example, poking and superpoking are common pastimes on Facebook. Gifting, giving friends virtual gifts on Facebook, has become increasingly popular since it was unveiled in 2007. Initially many thought that the idea wouldn’t catch on because it was too expensive ($1 per gift) and the gifts were virtual, i.e. not real and therefore meaningless to users. But the idea was successful, with people sending friends gifts ranging from the thoughtful (a piece of cake or a cupcake for birthdays) to the ridiculous (kick me post its, handcuffs and toilet rolls).
On the same topic, virtual goods on Second Life is another market creating major revenue (in the billions). I recently read an interesting article all about the Second Life virtual goods industry. People actually spend money on furniture, clothes and food for their avatars (a computer user’s self representation or alter ego) on Second Life. One may mock the concept but somewhere out there, there is a multi-millionaire who has made his/her fortune from the virtual goods industry. The market is estimated to be worth “approximately $1.5 billion and growing rapidly.”
I generally find the idea of a virtual world difficult to fathom, but it’s very real for some. Second Life even has its own home-grown scandals related to the virtual goods industry. An article in BusinessWeek discussed “a program called CopyBot, which lets anyone copy virtual goods without paying for them, got loose on Second Life, angering the folks who have made the place not only their second home but their main business.”
During a recession, one would think that sales of virtual goods would decrease but according to reports, that is not so. “Digital good sales within IMVU are still going strong," said IMVU CEO Cary Rosenzweig. According to an article in Virtual World news, "In IMVU, members buy credits which are then used to buy digital goods. Credit sales are still strong. In fact, so far in October, our growth rates have actually accelerated, whether compared to year ago, or month-to-month. Over 90% of IMVU’s overall revenue is from the sale of virtual credits used to buy digital goods…Because our virtual credit revenue is strong, so is our overall revenue."
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Best Media Predictions of 2009
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Green Tech Getting Lost in Media?
Going green is still on the government’s agenda but recently it’s gone quiet around this subject in the media for obvious reasons. Look how the news of the UK Government’s carbon budgets got lost.
Sustainability seems out of kilter with the times and yet its core messages about saving resources and conserving energy are even more relevant for the downturn.
So, Government and commerce needs to raise their game and communicate their successes in this space. Some sustainability initiatives that should be – and are - making bigger headlines include Climate Savers, Earth Smart Computing and QMU sustainable university.