Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Consolidating IT Security industry

Gosh another IT security specialist is gobbled up. Intended consequences are that an IT security vendor becomes an even bigger one stop shop covering all possible defences against an ever widening and proliferating range of threats. Unintended consequences are that some nicely stitched together OEM deals to plug together - for example - separate vendors' anti-spam and anti-spyware products into one integrated offering look like they'll be torn apart as new owners build their expanded security portfolios

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Last Ring Tones of Phone Box Recorded Online

A sneaky look at my neighbour's plans for a conservatory opened my eyes to how much more information UK councils are putting online. Full PDFs of planning applications are now available online. Only drawback is web site performance which can be pitifully slow and crashed my laptop twice - but anything is better than actually visiting a council office.

Having found my neighbours plans (perfectly sound by the way) I noticed that many of the other planning notices are for the removal of the BT telephone boxes. Seems phone boxes are being converted into illuminated signs. So, looks like the mobile is finally killing off a British street corner icon. Finland has already declared the public payphone extinct. And now the last rites of the UK payphone are being recorded online. Could the pillar box be far behind ....?

Thursday, 4 October 2007

High Tech May Avoid US Economic Blues

I just had the pleasure of returning from my reconnaissance mission in San Francisco. It’s a city known for its tech haven and occasional earthquake, but I would prefer to avoid thinking about earthquakes given I’ll be heading out there to open up shop for GBC this month.

Even with talk of the sub-prime mortgage crisis echoing in the background, the tech market seems to be determined to steam ahead. It was good to hear so many felt that the heady days of ‘99 are back. No one is whispering about working for an Internet start-up and are proud to admit they are apart of the Web 2.0 bonanza.

Nonetheless, everyone was much more open about admitting to the mistakes made in Web 1.0 and ensuring they learn from them.

Upon boarding the plane back to the UK, I was left with the distinct impression that while everyone is open to the possibility of another tech crash there's still a lot of money seeking home and adding fuel to the fire…which certainly bodes well for a tech PR agency eager to take part in the action.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

good news for recruitment

Code of practice for headhunters

What great news, PR Week 28th September 07, a code of practice has been launched to stop that ridiculous practice of recruitment agencies poaching staff they have only recently placed with an employer.

It's been rife in the PR industry for many years now. Every two years, a PR agency knows that the recruitment agency will be back in touch with the person they placed, encouraging them back out again …so just as the individual was starting to make a real impact on the business and more importantly on client work…invariably the recruitment agency will be encouraging them out again and they get fees twice over for doing virtually nothing other than making a phone call.

However, just because there is a new code of practice…I suspect (judging from the reaction of the recruitment agents) that nothing much will change. The challenge now will be to make sure it is taken seriously and actually implemented across the industry..until such time as they find a way of doing that, we are just paying lip service to the problem. And of course, ultimately, the problem remains the same..as we all know good PR people are few and far between.